Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Genet (Viverra genetta)

The common Genet, G. vulgaris – Viverra genetta of Linnaeus is a beautiful reddish gray spotted with small black or brown patches, which are sometimes round and sometimes oblong.

The tail which is as long as the body is ringed with black and white, the black rings being to the number or nine or eleven.

They are attractive, cat-like animals with long and slender bodies, about 20 inches  in length, and weigh about 6 pounds. Genets are agile climbers, using their short, curved, retractile claws to traverse branches upside down and descend trees headfirst.

This animal also purrs, hisses and arches it back like a cat.  Genets jump well, have a slinking walk, trot and run in a diagonal stride and jump-run with body alternately flexing and extending.

This animal is found both in a wild and domestic state in the south of Europe and thence southward through Africa to the Cape of Good Hope.

The large spotted genet lives in sub-Saharan Africa, excluding the arid south western zone.
Genet (Viverra genetta)

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