The wolf (Canis lupus L., 1758, ord. Carnivora, fam. Canidae), once the carnivore with the largest distribution area, occupies the whole Northern Hemisphere (north of 20° N of latitude). It is the second largest predator in Europe, after the brown bear.
Canis lupus common name is "gray wolf." Wolves are carnivores—a group of mammals that eat meat. They belong to the dog family called “Canidae,” which also includes coyotes, jackals, foxes, dingoes, and the domestic dog.
The weight can vary from 12 kg in the specimens from the Eurasian Continent to 80 kg in some individuals from higher latitudes. The females are smaller and vary between 15 and 55 kg. Lager animals are found in more northern latitudes.
The wolf diet may include large preys (deer, roe deer, wild boars), or small vertebrates, invertebrates, vegetables and carcasses. The livestock, in particular sheep, can be object of predation by this species.
Wolves range in color from grizzled gray or black to all white. As the ancestor of the domestic dog, the gray wolf resembles German shepherds or huskies. Wolves are built for stamina, possessing features tailored for long distance travel.
The oldest wolf in the wild was 14 years old. The average life span is only 5 - 7 years, however.
Wolves live in packs, which are complex social structures that include the breeding adult pair (the alpha male and female) and their offspring. A hierarchy of dominant and subordinate animals within the pack help it to function as a unit. Wolves use vocalizations, body language and their incredible senses of sight, smell, and hearing to communicate.
Wolves use scent markings to establish their home territory. And wolves call out with howls to get the attention of other wolves that might be nearby or miles away.
Gray wolves can live in most environments, including alpine areas and the tundra, but are usually found in forests. A large pack’s home range or territory can vary from 100 square miles to 1200 or more square miles.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
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