Sloths belong to the Order Phyllophaga. The species are divided into two families,
*Bradypodidae: which has three digits in the forelimbs
*Megalonychidae (Choloepidae, genus Choloepus): which has only two
These exclusively neotropical animals are characterized by their slow movements and some anatomical and physiological adaptations that allow them to survive in the high tree tops.
They are found from lowland forest to the higher altitudes of mountain forests south of Nicaragua through Central America and in Colombia, Venezuela, French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and Bolivia.
Sloths are strictly arboreal mammals, spending most of their time well hidden in the high canopy of Neotropical forests.
It has been reported that the eyes can be partially retracted when the lids are tightly closed. This may make the sloth appear pop-eyed during periods of stress or prior to the onset of aggressive behavior when the lids appear to rise from their orbits.
Two-toed sloths are nocturnal, quiet, slow animals living in the canopy of neotropical forests. They are supposed to visit the ground only once in a week to defecate and urinate. Contrary to three-toed sloths, two-toed sloths have a very low activity during the day, hiding between branches and lianas.
Sloths: Known for slowness movement
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