The bald eagle is the second largest bird of prey in North America, and is generally associated with areas of significant wilderness. It is widely distributed in coastal areas of North America, particularly along mature forested shorelines, but ranges farther inland during breeding. Alaska is widely recognized as the major breeding and wintering stronghold of the bald eagle.
The bald eagle is the second largest bird in North America with a wingspan between six and seven feet. The adult bald eagle is easily recognized by a white head and a white tail, contrasting with a dark brown body and wings. Bald eagle eyes, beak, and feet are bright yellow. Until bald eagles are approximately four to six years old they show variable white head and tail plumage ranging from completely dark brown to completely white.
The Bald Eagle can be found in wooded areas close to large lakes, rivers, and estuaries. It commonly uses tall, easily accessible trees adjacent to water for nesting, perching, and roosting. It prefers areas with minimal human disturbance and may abandon its nest if there is human activity around the nest site. In the winter it is found near rivers and large bodies of water if open water persists, or if food resources such as deer carcasses are present.
Bald eagles are present year-round throughout Texas as spring and fall migrants, breeders, or winter residents. The Bald eagle population in Texas is divided into two populations; breeding birds and non breeding or wintering birds.
Bald eagles are a truly North America species, found nowhere else in the world. They range across most of the continent, but are especially common in regions where there are large expanses of undisturbed aquatic habitat with forested shorelines, cliffs, or both.
Bald Eagles are opportunistic predators. They feed primarily on fish, but also eat a variety of waterfowl and other birds, small mammals, and turtles, when these foods are readily available. Carrion is also common in the diet, particularly in younger birds.
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