Monday, July 22, 2013

Wild goat

In the zoological classifications of the animal kingdom, the goat belongs to the cloven-hoofed, ruminant family of the Bovidae, the homed ones, to which sheep, cattle and gazelles also belong.

The wild goat (Capra aegagrus) is a widespread species of goat, with a distribution ranging from Europe and Asia Minor to central Asia and the Middle East. It is the ancestor of the domestic goat.

Four wild goat species make up the genus of the goat:
*Capra ibex
*Capra pyrenaica
*Capra hircus
*Capra falconieri

All these wild goat species are still extant today. Wild goats have a social system and behavioral repertoire that is ideally suited to potential domestication. They are accustomed to a single dominant leader.

In many regions in Asia, wild goats are heavily hunted and are in some danger of extermination.

Wild goats live in all mountainous places. For example, wild goat of Capra hircus is found in the hills of Kashmir. It has a limited occurrence in the Himalaya.
Wild goat

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